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Personal question for Esther

Dovile's picture
Last seen:
6 years 3 months ago
01/10/2017 - 6:49am
Personal question for Esther

Dear Esther,
I hope you can answer personally one question I have to you.

My friend has back pain for already more then 10 years. I found your book last year and since that time he started to exercise and learn more about his body, muscles and how everything works in our body. He is going the great way tho I'm sure it's gonna take a long time to discover properly. And to be able an live without pain.

Tho what I wanted to know is:
The pain he has is so bad that at some moments he can't even lay in his bed, sit or even walk. I'm not even talking about how he changes as he has this pain.
Did you ever experienced such a bad pain that you can't even handle it? Moments that it feels like you want to give up.. Moments that you can't even normally communicate with people or have people around?
That it was very hard for people around you and it felt like no one understands you...
And you felt like are all alone in this world and no one will ever understand your pain and what are you going throe

I would really appreciate if you can give me an honest answer.

Thank you very much!!

diana_moll's picture
Last seen:
5 years 2 months ago
01/31/2012 - 7:58pm

Dear Dovile,

Sorry not Esther here, she is in India. However I can assure you that pain can be very debilitating physically as well as emotionally. What you describe is, unfortunately, not uncommon . I hope your friend can find the help he needs to recover fully. Is he in an area where he can meet with one of our teachers for an Intial Consultation?

all best

Diana Moll

Dovile's picture
Last seen:
6 years 3 months ago
01/10/2017 - 6:49am

Dear Diana,

thank you for your reply. 

Im 100% sure he will get better and gonna be able to enjoy his life without the pain. It's just a matter of time

best regards 


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